Coming Home
I bought a car. A 68 Mustang… were do I go? Were do I go? Who do I talk to? I don’t know who I should be, talk to, be with, sleep with. I can’t sit at home. I can’t be alone. Family at work, friends at school, life was gone a year ago. Who do I talk to?
Drive… alone I’ll drive anywhere, go anywhere Just show me, tell me were I belong Drive… dark, lights, radio load loader I’m lost. Where do I go, who do I talk to? Pull over High school My high school four five years gone. My high school with the phone by the gym that I would call for rides home. I would wait at these doors for my mother to come. High school dark alone car engine on Humming.
Hey man, where you at?
Should I come over there?
I know its… I know its late.
Can I come over there?
Dude, I don’t know were to go… who to call.
I haven’t seen you.
I can drive there.
Two hours… Three hours… We can see each other.
Yeah soon.
Car drive Chicago alone drive I haven’t been alone in so long. I don’t want to be alone. Don’t close the door when I sleep. I need to hear you in the other room. Dark black high school who do I call? Were do I go. Drive.
Can I see you?
No. I know I can’t just call you but I don’t know who to call were to go.
Drive. Drive. Drive streetlights fall Chicago air I am alone and the clubs are closed. Were do I go? Who do I call? Drive. Drive. Tell the truth.